Cultivating Diverse Communities through Service, Dialogue, and Understanding

Upcoming Events

The WYA is a committee of teens from youth groups all over Westchester. We come together to put on effective youth-led peer education and service events.

If you are interested in attending any of our upcoming events please click this link:

Get involved!

Save the Date:

  • 10/17: Fall Fundraiser @ Captain Lawrence

  • Watch this space for our 2024-2025 Programming!

  • Now is a good time to sign up to be a part of our community. Register here to be the first to know about opportunities this fall!

For more information contact our Program Director, Kylie Robertson.

Proudly Supported By:

"I, a Muslim, was passing a paint can to my friend, a Jew, who was painting over a cracked wall, while my other friend, a Christian, was filling the cracks in the wall. All three of us were working on a house destroyed by Hurricane Sandy, trying to restore and create a better place..."

- Nora, WYA alumna

Whether it’s coming together to work side-by-side building affordable housing for low-income families, organizing a rally for Black Lives Matter, speaking at an interfaith Thanksgiving service, participating in Civil Conversations workshops, or engaging in panel discussions at the United Nations, our programs provide meaningful opportunities for teens to learn with and from each other.

We teach real world skills for communication and understanding. Programming strives to access the rich depths of collective religious knowledge, and demonstrate how it can help teens address current social, political and spiritual issues that are relevant to them.

WYA has served more than 425 unique teens from 28 Westchester high schools and over 25 unique religious institutions. WYA events are open to teens come from all over Westchester county. 


“Stereotypes and ignorance reinforce barriers and add to divisiveness. The dream and work of WYA is to deepen understanding among youth which, in turn, will strengthen our communities.”

— Paul Alcorn
Founder, Westchester Youth Alliance